©Richard Byers







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ギャラリーエフ スタッフ一同

Important Notice from Gallery éf

We would like to inform you that as of December 30, 2021, Gallery éf will put an end to our business at the current location and plan to relocate to another.

For 24 years since our opening in 1997, we have had such a pleasure of having so many guests and artists. We sincerely appreciate every one of you with whom we share great time.

We do hope we will share the remaining several months with you enjoying performances and exhibitions at our Kura as well as precious time at café. Anyone interested in holding an exhibition or live performance at Kura, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

As for our new location and any further development, we will inform you on this website. We hope this COVID-19 will die down and we will be able to see you all again soon.

April 25, 2021
Gallery- éf